Suggest a Topic

Please feel free to suggest topics for future #BCWineChat discussions.  They should be relevant to the industry and topics should not single out any individual or company.  Our aim is to have constructive discussions about issues affecting the British Columbia grape and wine industry.

9 thoughts on “Suggest a Topic

  1. One close to consumer hearts. SO2 levels and use of SO2 in BC wine industry. New Federal labeling laws come into effect in 2012 that bring Canada more into line with other countries. Side subject could be (hist)amine-levels as a general discussion on wine allergies is sure to evolve.

    • I think that’s a great topic. Lot’s of ppl out there believe that you can make wine without SO2.
      The new labelling regulations not only require wineries to indicate if the wine contains sulfites, but also others. The use of certain fining agents would require wineries to list milk, eggs or fish as ingredients even when the content is lower than the detectable levels. By the way sulfite is not an allergen, though ppl can be sensitive to sulfite.
      I read somewhere that a lot of wine is returned to the LCBO every year due to spoliage, TCA or other issues. They have not received any wine due to allergic reactions from a consumer.

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